Classes & Grades

Welcome to Haywood Elementary School

Each day at Haywood is a new opportunity to learn! The typical school day includes 120-150 minutes of English Language Arts, 60-90 minutes of Math, 60 minutes of Related Arts (PE, Art, and Music), 30 minutes of Science and Social Studies, and 45-60 minutes of "Cub Time" for targeted interventions in reading, English language, and math for students who need additional support. Students also get 30 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess.

Haywood has and Instructional Coach and an English Language Coach, so that our teachers enjoy access to excellent instructional resources and professional development. Many of our teachers are certified in teaching English as a Second Language, as more than 60% of our students are English Language Learners. Additionally, 9% of our students have disabilities and are served by our Exceptional Education teachers.

Haywood is a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Foundations school, and we focus on SEL during daily homeroom Morning Meetings and monthly school-wide Morning Meetings.

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